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Good morning today we're going to talk about one of my favorite herbs cayenne pepper.
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I ran into cayenne pepper about Nearly 40 years ago, when my mother in law introduced it to me, they told me the story of her husband, who had been out in the woods, sawing up poles to sell, and the chainsaw bucked on him, and it cut his face open.
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He was two and a half hours from a hospital, so they packed it with cayenne pepper, put a butterfly bandage on it, and went back to work.
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That wound never scarred.
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You could not ever see it on his face.
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His son was in a car accident, had a cut on his hand, packed it with cayenne pepper.
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And never had a scar and it healed very well.
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Some years later, about 1989, I was taking out my mobile phone out of my car.
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Back in those days, we had these big boxes in your car, and a regular looking push button phone up in the front.
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I take it up and raise my head and hit on the trunk of the car, and I split my head open, and it was gushing blood pretty well.
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My father in law and mother in law were there, and so I says, well, let's try this cayenne pepper.
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It was a Sunday afternoon.
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I didn't want to go to the ER.
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So they says, no problem.
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They cut back some hair and they put the cayenne pepper in and bandaged it over.
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And by golly, it healed right up.
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In fact, two weeks later, I was in the doctor's office for something else.
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And the doctor says, what happened to your head?
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And I says, Oh, I cut my head on the, of my car and I put cayenne pepper in it and sealed it shut.
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And he goes, well, that can't work.
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I go, well, you're looking at it.
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How's it look?
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He says, Looks pretty good.
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So that was my introduction to cayenne pepper.
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Cayenne pepper has so many benefits.
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And today in this show, we're going to talk about all the different benefits.
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And once we get done with the show, you're probably going to want to rush out and get some cayenne pepper.
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And we'll talk about the different forms of using cayenne pepper.
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Another side note is my wife's grandmother had been taking a, about a.
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Fourth to a half a teaspoon of cayenne pepper in water every day for her whole life.
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She never took any medicines.
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She died at the age of 103, never had a single medication, hospice didn't show up.
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She just died peacefully.
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And you know, I don't know if it was cayenne pepper that kept her alive so long, but you know, cayenne pepper, as I've come to learn, it's got so many benefits and everybody would be smart to use it.
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I now sprinkle up my coffee, my tea.
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every food I eat.
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I even take capsules of it.
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I have a tincture of cayenne pepper.
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I carry around.
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If you get a sore throat, Oh my word.
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That was always been my go to over the years.
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If I got, like say strep throat, I take cayenne pepper every two hours, about a quarter to a quarter teaspoon in water or juice and chuck it down.
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And then every other hour I would take.
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large amount of vitamin C.
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That was my kind of go to to get over those things.
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I got to tell you within the day, I, my throat would not be sore.
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In fact, usually it stopped being sore right away.
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And you're going to learn today why that benefit happens.
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So cayenne pepper has been used for thousands of years for its healing power.
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Folklore from around the world recounts amazing results using cayenne pepper and simply healing and baffling problems, but it's just not a healer from ancient history.
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Recently, there's been a lot of clinical trials that have been conducted on many of the old time health applications, which you'll learn about in this show.
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So don't go away.
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Again and again, the therapeutic value of cayenne pepper has been medically validated, which is pretty amazing.
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In fact, I got to say of all the herbs I use the most and go to, it's going to be cayenne pepper.
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When I'm out motorcycle riding, I'm in the woods away from home on a trip.
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I have a bag of cayenne pepper.
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I always have cayenne pepper, either in a bottle or a bag.
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I've got it in some fashion.
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I have the cayenne pepper, not just for spicing up my foods, but for any applications, like I mentioned, like sore throat.
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or a cut or a wound, especially motorcycle riding.
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Of course, that can happen.
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And I want to have that cayenne pepper on hand in an emergency.
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Cayenne pepper is loaded with vitamins A and C.
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It has complete B complexes and is very rich in organic calcium and potassium.
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And you'll learn in the show how great it is for heart issues, high blood pressure, and even if you have a heart attack, how you can use it.
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Cayenne pepper has also been able to rebuild the tissue in the stomach.
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and increase peristaltic action.
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So for those of you who have constipation issues, cayenne pepper will be one of your friends to use.
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It helps the body to create more hydrochloric acid.
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For those of you on acid reflux medication, the reason why you've got that issue is because you don't have enough acids.
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And many of us don't chew our food well enough.
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And as we get aged, we have less and less stomach acids.
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So the reason why you get a thing called acid reflux, it's actually a very bad term.
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We want more acids in our stomach, not less.
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So, they'll give you medications to suppress the acids, which is the wrong thing to do.
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Now it's going to take longer for your food to digest.
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You want to have more acids so your food digests quickly and rapidly.
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So, first of all, just as a side note, always chew your food until it's juiced.
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Let your mouth be your blender.
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Let that saliva do its thing.
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And then let's swallow your food.
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And make sure, I always take, like, take a digestive enzyme, and a formula, and cayenne pepper with your food is going to help increase those stomach acids.
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So that your food digests quickly and easily.
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On our 10 day healing retreat, which you can learn more about at livingwaterscleanse.
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com We actually test you every day for how much cayenne pepper that your body is calling for.
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And you get to drink a tincture of cayenne pepper.
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So there's ways you can get it in powder, you can get it in a tincture.
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I love the tincture.
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tincture all day long.
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It's very smooth rather than making, putting it in some water or juice.
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If I have a sore throat though, I'll definitely Put the a teaspoon or a quarter teaspoon half a teaspoon in water or juice, but a tincture works just as well It's smoother.
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I said and Awesome to use when it comes digestive issues.
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You got to have that cayenne pepper Here's something blow you away.
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Cayenne pepper is known to stop heart attacks within 30 seconds talk about heart attacks According to dr.
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John Christopher the pioneer of herbal medicine quote in 35 years of practice and working with the people in teaching I have never On a house call, lost one heart attack patient.
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The reason is, whenever I go in, if they are still breathing, I pour down them a cup of cayenne tea, a teaspoon of cayenne, and a cup of hot water.
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Within minutes, they are up and around.
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It is suggested that this be repeated every 15 minutes.
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Until the crisis has passed.
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Richard Anderson, author of Cleanse and Purify Thyself, says that cayenne pepper and hawthorn berries together offers the most potent effect on the heart.
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He believes that a regime of cayenne pepper combined with hawthorn berries Will greatly strengthen the heart and possibly prevent heart attacks.
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He sees further that if an attack were to occur in someone who had followed this regime, chances are very good that no damage would occur.
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He tells the following story about his mother.
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I had her taking Hawthorne Berries and Cayenne when she had a heart attack at the age of 79.
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Her diet had not been the best and she was an extremely stressful situation.
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While in the hospital, they found three blocked arteries and wanted to operate immediately.
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They did not think that she could survive for more than a few weeks.
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If they didn't operate, the doctors thought it would be.
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Very risky to operate, but they had her there.
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So they decided to take some tests in the hopes they could find an excuse to operate.
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In spite of the fact that she had been taking lots of aspirin for her arthritis, Smoked like she was a reincarnation of a boiler factory, and had just had a heart attack, they found that her heart was Incredibly strong.
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In fact, they felt that her heart was stronger than most people in their 30s.
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The good news was not only did she have survived the operation, but also stopped smoking.
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Well, worth the operation.
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In my opinion, That was the best thing doctors ever did for her.
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Well, That is what Hawthorne and Cayenne can do for the heart and every good herbalist knows it very good Doctors should also know it but very few according to Dr.
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Richard Schultz Hawthorne berries strengthen and stabilize the heart and adding Cayenne is what produced the cures That's what it produces the circulation cayenne pepper with its bounty of healing properties affects every part of the cardiovascular system every cell every tissue every lining Every wall of every blood vessel, capillaries, arteries, veins.
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It gets the blood to the heart muscle, not just to the insides of your heart.
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When the blood is pumped, it has a wonderful combination of healing properties that work together to break down bad things by building up good things.
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This makes cayenne pepper a multi purpose spicy wonder.
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That quote is out of the book by a gal named Sharon Daniels.
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Wrote a book called Cayenne Pepper Miracle Healers in the Kitchen.
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Highly recommend you go buy her book.
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It's a very short book.
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But I tell you, if you read that book and applied its knowledge, you would be healthier for it.
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If you want to know more about preventing heart attacks, most people take to drinking teas that are one part cayenne and three parts hawthorn berry.
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So if you're concerned about your heart health, considering carrying a bottle of cayenne tincture, and we have those in our office, I gotta tell you, it is nice and smooth.
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I love the tincture that we have we have at our office.
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What's also very interesting about cayenne is if you have a little tear...
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Somewhere in your body, in a vein or capillary or artery or something, the cayenne goes right to that.
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It knows where to go.
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How amazing is that?
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Just amazing herb all around.
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If you did listen to our show last week, the show on healing miracles.
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Amazing show, but we've got hundreds and hundreds and hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of those miracles over on our website at livingwaterscleanse.
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But I highly suggest you go back and listen to episode number 143 on the health miracles.
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We had four ladies that came on and shared their stories.
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I'm going to tell you, there was amazing stories in that show, including a gal that suffered the jab and was really sick, super sick.
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So amazing stories over there.
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So go grab that while you can.
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And we're talking more about cayenne pepper today and why it's such an herb that you should have it with you at all times.
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Like, I do.
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I'm traveling this week.
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And I've got not only a bag of cayenne, I've got the tincture form of cayenne pepper.
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And I've got a little glass bottle.
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I sprinkle it on everything.
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I sprinkle it on all my food.
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Once you understand cayenne pepper, you will be doing the same.
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And I gotta say, some of you guys will say, Ah, it's too hot! Yeah, well, you'll get used to that.
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You'll adapt to it very quickly.
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So we're going to roll down through just some of the benefits of cayenne pepper.
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So it helps relieve migraine pain.
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Researchers suggest that cayenne pepper, due to its spice, is able to stimulate a pain response in a different part of the body.
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Once this happens, the brain puts its attention on that new site, no longer concentrating the pain in the head, which causes the migraine.
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Well, it's not true that the head causes the migraine.
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But anyway, you get my point.
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This is amazing.
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It helps prevent blood clots.
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Blood clots are blockages in your arteries and your blood vessels that limit blood flow through your circulatory system.
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Cayenne encourages fibrinolytic activity and it helps prevent blood clots.
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This is also the reason why cayenne pepper is effective in preventing heart attacks.
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Provides a detox support.
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I mentioned earlier we use it here at our healing retreat every single day on every client.
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According to research published in the critical reviews in food science and nutrition cayenne pepper restores a circulatory system by opening the capillaries and Regulating blood sugar.
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It also helps a digestive system and the moves bacteria and toxins out of the body Research conducted in the Netherlands suggests that cayenne pepper also increases body temperature and boosts your metabolism.
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Helps relieve joint and nerve pain.
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It reduces the amount of substance P, a chemical that carries pain messages to the brain.
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When there is less substance P, the pain messenger no longer reach the brain and you feel relief.
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Studies have found that cayenne pepper relieves pain after surgery, such as a mastectomy or amputation.
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It also alleviates pain from nerve damage in the feet or legs from diabetes.
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Lower back injuries, neuropathy, osteoarthritis, and rheumatoid arthritis, as well as fibromyalgia symptoms like joint or muscle pain.
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Now, I know my mother in law used to tell me, because she had cold feet, she would put a little cayenne pepper in her sauce.
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And it's going to help increase circulation.
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It's also great for allergies.
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Remember, now you don't want to do what I did, but years ago, my mother in law says, Yeah, I use it for allergies, and I had severe allergies.
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As some of you know, if you listen to the show for a length of time, I had severe, severe allergies until I learned about 10 day cleansing.
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And, and got detoxed, and healed my gut, which is why, what the problem is with allergies.
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You've got leaky gut, because you've got all this poop in your system, and we've got to clean that out, which is where the benefits of colon hydrotherapy come in.
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But anyway, my mother in law says, Yeah, I take three capsules a day.
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I think I'm like, well, if one's good, maybe I should take three should never have done that because I hadn't built up to it.
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So I took three capsules that day.
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Let me tell you, it felt like fire coming out the lower end that day.
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My mother in law laughed and laughed and laughed.
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It wasn't very funny for me at the time.
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Oh, my word, that went through my body and not fun.
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But anyway, we all had a good laugh.
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Well, my mother in law had the best.
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The last lap, I guess.
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Anyway, you want to build up on cayenne pepper.
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Don't go out and take three capsules at once.
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If you're concerned about weight loss, there's a study found that consuming cayenne pepper for breakfast creates less appetite.
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So people eat less calories during the day.
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It also burns excess fat because it's a metabolic booster.
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As one of the key anti inflammatory foods, cayenne pepper benefits also include weight loss.
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Helps soothe inflammation and bloating that comes from allergies or food sensitivities and infections.
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Of course, job one, you gotta clean out your colon, right?
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We gotta do colon hydrotherapy, get out all that 10 to 15 pounds of old fecal mass that's been sitting down in your body.
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Yes, everyone, average everyone, carries around 10 to 15 pounds of old fecal mass.
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Yes, you may think you poop great, but no, I'm telling you, everybody comes to our 10 day cleanse, the average loss is about 10 pounds, 10 to 15 pounds.
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So some of you are carrying more, which is not good, and if you want to learn about how to get rid of that.
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Old mass and you're constipated.
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Call the office at 208 378 9911.
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That's job one.
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And then, of course, cayenne pepper can come in and be more effective.
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It's also an anti irritant.
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Can't be, you say.
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Cayenne pepper is hot, but it is.
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Making it effective in easing ulcers, upset stomachs, cough, and even potentially stop secretion.
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stimulates alkali and mucous secretions and particularly gastric mucosal blood flow which helps in the prevention and healing of ulcers.
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How about psoriasis?
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Well we know psoriasis to be solved because I've had it severely, takes a 10 day deep tissue cleanse, but cayenne can also help with psoriasis as well.
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Two trials showed that 0.
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025 percent capsaicin, cayenne pepper cream, used topically is effective in treating psoriasis.
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The first study showed a significant decrease in scaling and redness during a six week period in 44 patients with moderate and severe psoriasis.
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The second was a double blind study of 197 pages which found that psoriasis was treated with a capsaicin cream four times daily for six weeks with a significant decrease in scaling, thickness, redness, and itching.
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So topically, a great tool to use if you need to.
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As I say, I had severe psoriasis for several years, kind of on and off.
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And what your body's saying, the liver's saying, Hey! When it comes to psoriasis, this is what the liver is saying.
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The liver is saying, I have no more room to store toxins.
00:16:07.114 --> 00:16:11.864
I'm going to put it in the subcutaneous tissue and it's going to try to get out through the body and it goes to the skin.
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So I had this pussing, oozing.
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If you come in the clinic, you'll see my I mean, it was absolutely miserable, absolutely miserable.
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Now, doctors will give you a steroid cream, which will cost you, believe, can you believe this?
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This is like 20 years ago, 400 bucks.
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But, so maybe Cayenne can be one of those tools you used in the interim.
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But really, for psoriasis, you've got to get in and do deep tissue cleansing.
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Bottom line, you've got to get to the root of the problem, and that's where colon hydrotherapy and the 10 day healing retreat really shine.
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It's because we can get in there and really clean the liver.
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Clean out the lymphatic system, clean out the gut, and give you all the right nutrition.
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And if you want to go over to the website and watch that video, Four Natural Laws of Healing.
00:16:53.754 --> 00:16:55.304
If you're on the website, livingwaterscleanse.
00:16:57.234 --> 00:16:59.953
com That's waters with an S, livingwaterscleanse.
00:17:00.004 --> 00:17:02.744
com Top right, it says Four Natural Laws of Healing Webinar.
00:17:03.024 --> 00:17:05.045
You want to click on that, and you want to watch that.
00:17:05.045 --> 00:17:07.105
Because that's going to teach you how to heal your body.
00:17:07.775 --> 00:17:12.634
But again, cayenne pepper can be used as an adjunct to the healing process.
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It also boosts the metabolism.
00:17:15.549 --> 00:17:22.898
Cayenne pepper benefits also include its ability to regulate your metabolism, according to a review published in Open Heart.
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It's been found to effectively suppress hunger, normalize glucose levels, keeps blood flow pressures normalized, and helps lower LDL cholesterol and triglyceride.
00:17:34.589 --> 00:17:37.809
For any effectual healing to take place, according to the great master Dr.
00:17:37.809 --> 00:17:42.900
Bernard Jensen, you must first heal the colon and small intestine first.
00:17:43.394 --> 00:17:52.984
This is a guy that treated over 350, 000 people at the age of 88, got so sick, he got with prostate cancer and paralyzed in the waist down due to a car accident.
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Got up to 88 pounds at 88 years of age, and he completely turned it around at 88 years of age, regained his weight, started walking again, got rid of the prostate cancer by doing 10 day deep tissue cleanse.
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Amazing story, and we've seen those same miracles, including my own miracle.
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As I mentioned before in some of the shows, I've had a lot of issues, a lot of allergies, asthma, back pain, joint pain, fatigue, and of course cancer, and I've healed all that.
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This is why I'm here today, helping you guys learn how to heal naturally, because I've been there, done that, and it was just the way, I guess the Lord says, Yeah, I'm going to teach David how to heal people by making them sick first.
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Anyway, that's how I came to be here, and I'm glad you're here today.
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We're talking about one of my favorite herbs, cayenne pepper.
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And cayenne pepper, you gotta have it in your pocket.
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You gotta be carrying around cayenne pepper.
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You understand the benefits of cayenne like I do now.
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You'll be carrying it everywhere like I do.
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Anyway, let's talk more about cayenne pepper.
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Fights the cold and flu like I mentioned earlier.
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If I get sick, I make sure cayenne pepper is one of the first things I'm putting in my body.
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And I'll usually take if I do put it in water or juice, I'll take a quarter teaspoon or half.
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And I'll stick it in water and swallow it down.
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You might want to use warm water.
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We do have a tincture at the office, which is very convenient.
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And basically I take a couple droppers of that.
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Now you'll have a little bit of a feeling sensation of heat when it goes down the back of your throat, but no big deal.
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You'll get over it in a second.
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So it's a great way to help get rid of the mucus in your body and get things moving, which is usually why you get sick.
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You have stagnation in your body.
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And you want heat in your body, right?
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So in traditional Chinese medicine, suncolds and the flu are brought on by a cold invasion.
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Sweating therapies, using saunas or hot baths, as well as internal medicines like cayenne are a long celebrated way to stop a cold in its tracks.
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Well, cayenne pepper is definitely going to heat up your body.
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Cayenne promotes secretions from the mucus membranes, which is fantastic.
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Mucus, that's most people's problem in today's society.
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We're eating way too many dairy products, too much breads, and we get all this heavy...
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Inflammation in our body.
00:20:04.375 --> 00:20:09.785
You could just take, if you're, if you're eating milk and bread all day long, you're just creating havoc for your gut.
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Plus, it slows down the transition time in the gut.
00:20:11.795 --> 00:20:16.355
It sticks to the walls of the intestinal tract, which is why you need to come in and do colon hydrotherapy.
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Colon hydrotherapy is the only tool that's really gonna move that out.
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Mucus also is loaded with these pathogens you're gonna get in your body.
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So you got all these little bugs hiding out in the mucus.
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Let's clear out the mucus.
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Colon hydrotherapy for the win.
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Followed with some cayenne peppers.
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Taking that internally is going to help a great one, two punch.
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Cayenne pepper is also loaded in vitamin A, which is great for eyesight.
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Also great for neurological functions and healthy skin.
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You could put a poultice of cayenne.
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If you got a sore joint, you put a poultice of cayenne on your joints.
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Another fun fact, two teaspoons of cayenne pepper, you're getting your fill of vitamin A for the entire day.
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Now, cayenne is of course an anti inflammatory agent.
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And it's a power to prevent allergies and those symptoms.
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How about for cancer?
00:21:09.630 --> 00:21:10.430
This is interesting.
00:21:11.039 --> 00:21:12.888
I've read this in a couple of different books.
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One study conducted at University of California, Los Angeles.
00:21:16.825 --> 00:21:28.535
School of Medicine found that this important ingredient in cayenne pepper is able to inhibit the growth of cancer cells and prevent the activation of new dangerous formations.
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There's also data from California's Loma Linda University that suggests that cayenne pepper benefits include being effective in helping prevent lung cancer in smokers.
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Cayenne pepper's high amounts of capsaicin serves a substance that can stop the formation of tobacco induced tumors in the lung.
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Similar effects have also found in liver tumors when they were exposed to cayenne pepper.
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Anti fungal.
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I find most of our people with cancer have a lot of fungus.
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That was my case years ago.
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It'll help kill fungus and prevent the formation of fungal pathogens.
00:22:09.220 --> 00:22:23.388
Cyan pepper was investigated to determine its in vitro antifungal activity and the results found that it was active against 16 different fungal strains, including candida.
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We see at our office a lot of people with severe candida.
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Candida fungus, really you're talking about the same issue.
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Candida is a fungus that aids with nutrient absorption.
00:22:36.930 --> 00:22:39.059
and digestion when in proper levels in the body.
00:22:39.138 --> 00:22:43.839
But when it overproduces, typical candida symptoms may appear.
00:22:43.900 --> 00:22:53.960
And that includes hormone imbalance, hello ladies, joint pain, digestive issues, a weak immune system, itching, craving sugars and carbohydrates.
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As I've mentioned many times in the shows in the past, if you've got mercury in your teeth, you've got probably a heavy load of yeast candida.
00:23:00.380 --> 00:23:08.950
Because yeast candida is protecting you from mercury converting to methylmercury, which is far worse.
00:23:09.819 --> 00:23:12.470
So I had 13 amalgam fillings.
00:23:12.549 --> 00:23:14.730
I had a lot of candida.
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Severe candida.
00:23:17.210 --> 00:23:18.799
Severe fungus.
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I was able to reverse all those.
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Didn't know about cayenne back in those days.
00:23:23.500 --> 00:23:25.000
To the degree that I know now.
00:23:25.019 --> 00:23:29.989
Had I known I, of course I was, didn't know about 10 day deep tissue cleansing back in those days.
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So it was a long, painful road.
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Anybody that has candida yeast, I can tell you how to get rid of it quickly and easily.
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We have a whole system for it at our office at Living Waters Wellness Center.
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So, if you've got, if you're having continual yeast infections, you need to come see us.
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Besides, of course, cayenne, other supplements, we're going to be doing deep tissue cleansing, and we're also going to use some PEMF therapy, sound therapy.
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We're going to do some emotional therapy.
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And all these tools combined, the candida yeast pops pretty quickly and easily the way we do it.
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I didn't have that benefit years ago.
00:24:06.193 --> 00:24:06.963
I had to suffer.
00:24:07.378 --> 00:24:08.009
For years.
00:24:08.239 --> 00:24:09.108
God, it was horrible.
00:24:09.148 --> 00:24:20.929
I mean this fungus up my legs itched all the time the psoriasis Oh, you know, I shudder to think I mean, I just it was just so painful and for all these suffering I get it I understand what you're going through.
00:24:21.419 --> 00:24:27.429
I've tried all this stuff If you have somebody you'll go out you'll try yogurt wrong thing to do.
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That's just more cow puss creating more problems There's no good beneficial probiotics in yogurt off the shelf Unless you've made it yourself.
00:24:37.479 --> 00:24:40.594
And again, you're putting more Mucus back in your system.
00:24:40.703 --> 00:24:41.844
So you don't, that's not a way to go.
00:24:41.923 --> 00:24:43.644
I tried that, I know.
00:24:43.673 --> 00:24:44.963
So forget about doing that.
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I hope by the time this show's over, you're ready to go get some cayenne pepper.
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And I'm going to talk about the different forms that I use all the time on a daily basis.
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And we're talking about different ways to Get cayenne pepper into your diet.
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One of my favorite ways is a tincture.
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We have it at the office.
00:25:00.749 --> 00:25:02.098
It's about 28.
00:25:02.519 --> 00:25:04.048
Big bottle with a dropper.
00:25:04.048 --> 00:25:06.558
I like just to pick it up and just put a dropper in my mouth every now and then.
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And I usually start that first thing in the morning.
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And then throughout the day if I have it on my desk, I'll just grab some cayenne and put it in.
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Very easy.
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You can also of course buy cayenne in a bulk, which I also do.
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If I'm out and going to be riding dirt bikes or doing something that's Maybe a little risky or not.
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I mean things can happen anywhere.
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If I'm gonna get a cut I'm gonna pack it with cayenne pepper and use a butterfly bandage afterwards.
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I'm gonna tell you you won't scar.
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It's absolutely amazing I've proved it on myself.
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It should hurt earlier in the show another great way to do.
00:25:39.094 --> 00:25:43.864
This is lemon ginger Shots with cayenne pepper in it.
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This is a great tonic.
00:25:46.784 --> 00:25:52.413
So I'll just simply take a lemon and juice it And I'll take usually an inch to two inches of ginger.
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I like about an inch of ginger.
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Two inches my wife likes, I can't handle two inches.
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But one inch of ginger is about right for me.
00:26:00.094 --> 00:26:02.183
Maybe start out a half inch for you to an inch.
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And then put some cayenne pepper.
00:26:04.263 --> 00:26:05.023
Just experiment.
00:26:05.263 --> 00:26:07.034
You might start out with an eighth of a teaspoon.
00:26:07.104 --> 00:26:08.703
And then work up to a quarter teaspoon.
00:26:09.253 --> 00:26:12.473
And that's a nice little shot for you as well.
00:26:12.763 --> 00:26:19.523
Another great little shot to do is lemon, two ounces of lemon, two ounces of ginger.
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Olive oil.
00:26:21.044 --> 00:26:22.384
This is a great liver detox.
00:26:22.394 --> 00:26:23.673
First thing in the morning only.
00:26:24.473 --> 00:26:27.034
And if you want to, put a little cayenne pepper on top.
00:26:27.354 --> 00:26:35.344
And you're going to take that down and all kinds of benefits, including helping stimulate the liver to kick out some old toxins out of the bile ducts.
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And cayenne with it, it's just another benefit.
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If I have coffee, and again, I only drink organic coffee.
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As I've mentioned many times on this show, coffee is one of the most toxic products out there.
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Lots of molds and mildew, so they spray it to mass produce it and get it to market.
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So organic coffee only or tea.
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I drink a lot of tea and I put cayenne in it.
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One of the things I do with my coffee is I put a pinch of vanilla, cinnamon, a cardamom, cinnamon, and Ceylon, no, Ceylon cinnamon.
00:27:02.794 --> 00:27:04.523
And it'll cayenne pepper on that.
00:27:04.523 --> 00:27:05.564
So just, you know, play with it.
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And I do it.
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Of course I make it, I save myself four bucks.
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I don't go to any coffee store cause I don't want to get coffee in a paper cup and who knows where their beans are from and who knows how they handle those beans.
00:27:17.263 --> 00:27:23.354
Obviously, in any meal, I'll just sprinkle over my food, whether I'm eating eggs or steak or potatoes or whatever.
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And I'm going to tell you, the more you do it, the more you're going to want to have your cayenne pepper around with you wherever you go.
00:27:30.294 --> 00:27:31.153
You know, two things I pack.
00:27:31.163 --> 00:27:33.953
I pack Himalayan salt with me when I go out, and I pack cayenne.
00:27:34.574 --> 00:27:37.634
And so, I don't want to use table salt because that's a poison.
00:27:38.034 --> 00:27:42.284
You go in a restaurant that's, literally, it's been cooked at 1, 200 degrees.
00:27:42.284 --> 00:27:43.763
Who knows what the heck that product is?
00:27:43.784 --> 00:27:45.683
It's absolutely a toxic poison.
00:27:45.683 --> 00:27:47.183
So never use regular...
00:27:47.469 --> 00:27:48.128
Table salt.
00:27:49.919 --> 00:27:51.419
Now, the B tus is important.
00:27:51.419 --> 00:27:58.669
I would suggest you start out at 35 to 65,000 B T u and maybe stay under 90,000 B T u pepper.
00:27:58.939 --> 00:28:01.009
You know, you're gonna find out what you like best.
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But I, I like about 65,000, 60, 65,000 BTUs.
00:28:05.439 --> 00:28:09.398
So start out small at a lower B T U rate, so you adapt to it.
00:28:10.239 --> 00:28:13.568
Lots of creams out in the market with caps in it, which is outta cayenne pepper.
00:28:13.568 --> 00:28:17.278
But I'm gonna suggest to you could take coconut oil when I had my psoriasis.
00:28:17.709 --> 00:28:19.808
I use coconut oil to help calm it down.
00:28:20.048 --> 00:28:21.959
You put some cayenne pepper with that mixture.
00:28:21.969 --> 00:28:26.628
If you got psoriasis or acne and spread that on your skin, you're gonna notice some benefits right away.
00:28:26.959 --> 00:28:31.358
Now just as some FYI's in being careful with this, if you go to have surgery...
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I would suggest not using it during that time if you, you could have a surgery that and you could have a lot more blood flow increase.
00:28:39.943 --> 00:28:42.753
So a couple weeks prior to surgery, you probably want to stop taking Cayenne.
00:28:43.403 --> 00:28:46.364
Now, we know that it will help with blood clotting.
00:28:46.403 --> 00:28:47.564
So that's important.
00:28:47.763 --> 00:28:50.564
Of course, if you're in the surgery or having, you know, discuss it with your doctor.
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You know, we teach all our clients.
00:28:52.118 --> 00:28:56.578
How to decide on their own by doing a little simple technique called muscle testing.
00:28:56.878 --> 00:28:58.558
You come through a 10 day healing retreat.
00:28:58.858 --> 00:29:03.048
It's one of just the many hundreds of things we teach you on the healing retreat.
00:29:03.409 --> 00:29:06.209
We teach you to become your own master healer on our healing retreat.
00:29:06.679 --> 00:29:12.719
And you can learn more about some of those things that we do at the healing retreat over at livingwaterscleanse.
00:29:12.739 --> 00:29:13.209
00:29:13.209 --> 00:29:15.058
Click on the link, the four natural laws of healing.
00:29:16.098 --> 00:29:17.838
You don't need to be sick.
00:29:17.858 --> 00:29:19.239
You want to live your best life.
00:29:19.269 --> 00:29:22.878
Let's go into our senior years and let's live great.
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You know, I'm today 65 and I could do more things they could at 30.
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I mean, you know, at 35 I was praying.
00:29:30.078 --> 00:29:32.159
that I would live to see my son be born.
00:29:32.608 --> 00:29:34.078
And so here I am.
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And I can go do things with him.
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I can ski with him.
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I have my kids and they're very good skiers.
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And ride dirt bikes and do whatever I want.
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And and I've got my joints working great.
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I don't have arthritis.
00:29:45.868 --> 00:29:47.719
I, I, I was sore.
00:29:47.759 --> 00:29:51.788
It stoved up when I was in my late 20s and early 30s.
00:29:52.479 --> 00:29:54.528
And always had planetary fasciitis.
00:29:54.888 --> 00:29:56.078
Things were always hurting.
00:29:56.699 --> 00:29:58.378
I was always tired, always fatigued.
00:29:58.378 --> 00:30:03.618
My wife was recalling the day how I'd come home from work and I'd go to the chair and I'd fall fast asleep.
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You know, 6, 37 o'clock.
00:30:05.138 --> 00:30:07.469
I'd be asleep, eat some dinner, go to bed.
00:30:07.519 --> 00:30:08.378
I was always tired.
00:30:08.719 --> 00:30:10.239
Could never, I just pushed through.
00:30:10.729 --> 00:30:14.709
And it was because of all the toxicity I had, especially those mercury amalgam fillings.
00:30:15.048 --> 00:30:17.648
Thank Huggins in 2004.
00:30:18.098 --> 00:30:20.618
He took them out, saved my life for sure.
00:30:21.443 --> 00:30:25.753
And of course, deep tissue cleansing, combined with that, turn my life around forever.
00:30:25.943 --> 00:30:28.483
Cholinhydrotherapy, my friends, is your best friend.
00:30:28.923 --> 00:30:36.334
And then when you add the right nutrition, like we're talking about today, cayenne, you're going to get a lot of great benefits because that nutrition is going to be able to get absorbed.
00:30:36.453 --> 00:30:47.134
So many of you are taking either poor supplements or even your good supplements aren't getting absorbed as well as they could be if you had a functioning, healthy, clean colon and small intestine.
00:30:47.584 --> 00:30:49.403
To do that, you've got to do colonitotherapy.
00:30:49.824 --> 00:30:55.173
So call the office at 208 378 9911 and let's talk about it.
00:30:55.173 --> 00:30:58.213
Let's learn how you can do colonitotherapy on the website under treatments.
00:30:58.523 --> 00:30:59.054
There's a video.
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It shows you how it's done.
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Easy peasy.
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Back to more things that cayenne can do.
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Cayenne's great for asthma.
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It can, cayenne can increase theophylline, I can't pronounce this, theophylline, a bronchodilator that can treat asthma and other lung problems the body can absorb.
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Therefore, taking capsaicin alongside theophylline might increase the effects and side effects of theophylline.
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So it's wise to take, not to use cayenne pepper on children under the age of two.
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It can be irritating and may lead to negative reactions, especially on the skin.
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So be careful who you use it with.
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Obviously under two, I wouldn't do that.
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But start tossing it in everything you cook, and you know what?
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You're gonna become addicted, in a good way, to cayenne pepper, and especially of its benefits.
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And some of you, with some things going on in your body, you're going to notice it probably sooner than others.
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But like I said, I mentioned earlier, it's great for the digestive system, helps with peristalsis, helps with that colon moving.
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I'm going to say, if you're taking garlic, hawthorn berry, cayenne, I mean those are the top three things for, for heart issues, blood issues, important to be on those.
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Another little tonic you can use is ginger, turmeric, shots with lemon, cayenne, and orange.
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That can have anti inflammatory and immune boosting effects.
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Anyway, start experimenting with cayenne in your diet, in your daily use, and let me know how it benefits you.
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You can always send us an email off the website at livingwaterscleanse.
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Share with your stories about your benefits of using cayenne pepper.
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And again, we're going into the fall season right now.
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It's a great time to be using it, especially if you get a little sore throat.
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I used it on my children when they got sore throats.
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They'd come home from school.
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I'd give them a tincture.
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I'd put it in some water.
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Sometimes I would take anywhere from 30 to 60 drops, maybe as high as 90 and put a little couple, two or three ounces of water and have them choke that back every two hours along with some vitamin C.
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And also we'd take their raw garlic.
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Hope you enjoyed today's show.
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I'm David DeHasan living waters wellness center where miracles begin from healing with from within back next week with another edition until then, my friends, you have a blessed week.