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For 10 years Floyd has had Cancer in one form or another. From Melanoma, to Prostate Cancer, Lung Cancer and More. He had been trying to fight the Battle with Drs, Prescriptions and Traditional Medicine but felt as though he was losing the War. He has had 12" of his Colon Removed. His Prostate Removed. Gall Bladder Removed. And even part of his Lung removed. He has had 14 Tumors in this process, again cutting and removing them as they pop up in hopes of defeating the beast that lived within him. He has not been able to sleep at night with out taking Pain Pills because of a tumor on his spine for the last 10 years.
Trying to stay ahead of the curve, Floyd has had 10 Colonoscopies in the past 5 years. So you can imagine his shock once he began his 10 Day Cleanse at Living Waters and saw what his body was trying to extract to let itself heal. He was looking for an answer to help his body recover.
He was sick and tired of being sick and tired. He stated he had almost no energy. Lived on the couch after work and weekends with no quality of life. He had joint pain daily. Brain Fog hindered his ability to think clearly and quickly. And of course, there was the Cancer.
After beginning the cleanse he first saw Parasites evacuate his body, allowing it to begin the healing process. His energy levels shot through the roof and he stated he feels 'Energetic and Lively'. He feels that the new way of eating not only is benefiting him due to it being Whole, Organic foods and juices, but he states he can actually FEEL more nutrients being absorbed and utilized now that he has cleansed and cleaned out years of debris.
At the time of the interview, he was 10 Days Med Free. Think about that for a second. How drastically different would YOUR life be not being bound to pill after pill.
As with his wife, Lanai, he found huge benefit in the multiple modalities used at Living Waters. Using technology like the Far Infrared Sauna, Far Infrared Biomat, T-zone whole body vibration, lymph detox, juicing, organic food, EFT, mental, emotional and spiritual cleansing got him kickstarted into recovery, but they key for him was also the Me Work his wife found so critical for herself that allowed him to continue on this journey of self healing at anytime, anywhere.
This was the part of treatment that he was not expecting to take hold and change his life drastically, for the best. With the teachings, education, videos, techniques and expertise, Floyd began to allow himself the time and effort to focus on him, something so many people do not make time for and yet it should be your number 1.
Watch and listen to Floyd as he tells you how he is Self Healing and winning the War on Cancer through the program at Living Waters. #colonics #colonhydrotherapy #colonicsboise #colonhydrotherapyboise #guthealth