Health Hacks To Get The Most Out of Summer

Please watch: "Stories of Transformation (10-Day Detox)" --~--
How to get the most out of your summer with these health hacks❓

Stock up on Vitamin D with Sunbathing ☀️

Grounding, Getting Electrons
Increases circulation

Killing fertility, sperm count
Episode 102. Protecting against EMF's

Solution for keeping Mosquitoes away ❌ Treating Bug Bites. Glacial Marine Mud. Get it here. 📣
1️⃣ Cayenne Pepper
2️⃣Lemon Ginger

Whole Body Vibration. - Moving Lymphatic, Building bone and muscle
1️⃣Cedar Wood
2️⃣Ginger Poultice

📌 10 Day Healing Retreat ➡️
