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Jennifer came into Living Waters and completed a 10-day deep tissue cleanse to treat her Lyme Disease symptoms as well as other chronic health issues. Watch the video above to see the results Jennifer experienced 2 months after her cleanse, when she came back for a 3-day liver cleanse. She saw major improvements in energy, allowing her to do things she couldn't before. Her eyesight increased significantly, allowing her to reduce her prescription by half. And she is also able to commit to activities and do more things for her daughter, now that she feels better and has enough energy to complete every day tasks. To see Jennifer's complete story about her health issues and the results she immediately saw after the 10-day cleanse go to
So many people struggle with some of the issues that Jennifer has along with so many others during their lifetime and would benefit significantly from coming to Living Waters and experiencing a cleanse! If you feel like this is you and you're ready to take the step into becoming a healthier and better you, call for a free 30-minute consultation, 208-378-9911!
"I had no idea what I was walking into (with Living Waters), but I honestly can't express the gratitude that I did. After the last 10 days I feel like a completely different person!" -Jennifer
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