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Jennifer has suffered with disease her entire life. Doctors couldn't explain what was going on or give her any answers. She later found out that many of her illnesses were a direct cause from Lyme disease. At five years old she got the tick bites that lead to her disease. However, she didn't find out that she had Lyme disease until 31 years later, at age 36. She has in that time been diagnosed with many other health issues and illnesses, including: henoch-schonlein purpura, migraines, severe tendon degeneration, depression, polycystic ovarian syndrome, infertility, endometriosis, adenomyosis, endometriosis over the kidneys and ureter, chronic cervicitis, multiple sclerosis, fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue, sleep dysfunction, TMJ, memory loss, bartonella, babesia, and MTHFR. With all of these health issues she was put on antibiotics for 3 1/2 years and was taking nearly 70 pills a day! She came into Living Waters exhausted, sleeping 14 hours a day, and continually trying to wean off of prescription medications. After her 10 day Living Waters cleanse, she has seen unbelievable healing and amazing results! She was able to stop taking all sleep and pain medications, reduce her anxiety medicine, and had no trace of migraines. She is now only taking 4 pills at night, aside from her supplements, and has the energy to do so many things that she couldn't before! She experienced physical and emotional healing through the 10 day colonic and has released 90% of her emotional illness and trauma that was previously unresolved. As Jennifer says, "the 10 day cleanse is not just 10 colonics, it is a complete experience."
Watch the video above to hear Jennifer's complete story and her experience with the 10 day cleanse, and Living Waters. To find out more about Jennifer's story, watch the link below to see her results after coming back for a 3 day liver cleanse, and how she is doing 6 weeks after her 10 day colonic cleanse.
So many people struggle with some of the issues that Jennifer has along with so many others during their lifetime and would benefit significantly from coming to Living Waters and experiencing a cleanse! If you feel like this is you and you're ready to take the step into becoming a healthier and better you, call for a free 30 minute consultation, 208-378-9911!
"I had no idea what I was walking into (with Living Waters), but I honestly can't express the gratitude that I did. After the last 10 days I feel like a completely different person!" -Jennifer
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