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Chandra was living with 12 Years of Severe Migraine Headaches monthly, usually during a Full Moon. After doing a 10 day Deep Tissue Cleanse with Colon Hydrotherapy and Liver Cleansing she has had no migraines for 3 years. Recently she did a 5 day maintenance cleanse. She was shocked to see the large amount of Mucoid Plaque come out of the body, and how getting this and these Parasites out would make her quality of life increase so much. In this video she describes how Deep Tissue Cleansing with Colon Hydrotherapy helped her Eye Sight get sharper, Gas and Bloating be non existent, Have much increased absorbtion from the whole, organic foods she eats which helps the body to run at peak performance and increased energy levels ALL DAY. No more Mid Day Slump.
Watch and Listen as Chandra talks about her journey, trying Acupuncture and Chiropractic to no avail, and the amazing benefits she has found through supplements and a Deep Tissue Cleaning Maintenance program to maintain these awesome, life changing functions.
And Remember... Wellness Begins at the Cellular Level #colonics #colonhydrotherapy #colonicsboise #colonhydrotherapyboise #guthealth