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Daniel has suffered with chronic belching and digestive issues for years. He would belch about every 2 -5 minutes. Imagine trying to carry on a conversation. Yea, not good.
He has also been diagnosed with Langerhans Cell Histiocytosis of the bones. He's been dealing with bloating, gas, trapped air, irregular bowel movements and excessive belching. These problems have led to poor sleep, increased depression and anxiety and low energy.
To treat these issues doctors tried different antacids and SSRI's (selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors), and eventually resorted to doing three rounds of chemotherapy. The first round they found no effect on the lesions. The second round Daniel started drinking a fruit called soursop daily, with the chemotherapy.
After the 2nd round of treatments they saw many lesions decrease in size and even some completely go away. This led to the third treatment of chemotherapy, where Daniel no longer had access to soursop, and therefore did the treatment alone. After his third session they saw no progress with even a small increase in the lesions.
After all of this Daniel eventually found his way to Living Waters. He came in and completed a 10-day deep tissue cleanse, which has impacted his life significantly.
He now feels like his body has stabilized, is much lighter and has extreme energy.
The cravings stopped that he was experiencing for unhealthy food and his bowel movement have become regular.
The severe belching he was experiencing has been reduced by 50% and overall the frequency of the episodes has reduced by 60% or more! After only 10 days!!!!
He now feels educated and empowered, working with affirmations and learning how to love himself. He came in for the 10-day deep tissue cleanse but experienced a whole mind and body transformation! Watch the video above to hear Daniel's story!
If you feel ready to take the next step in furthering your health, and transforming your own body, call 208-378-9911 for a free 30-minute consultation!
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