Naturally Self Heal Pain & Inflammation with Colon Hydrotherapy Whole Body Cleansing

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Kevin came to Living Waters as the Guinea Pig for his parents. They were interested in the natural healing approach we use here, but like many were unsure and a little scared. So Kevin took one for the team, and did a 10 Day Cleanse to show his family what we could do for them. What he wasn't expecting was such a drastic healing in his own life!

Kevin ached all day every day from a past motorcycle accident leaving him full of previously broken bones, metal plates and pins. He also suffered from not being mentally clear, riddled with Brain Fog.

Upon walking in the door he stated his pain level was at a constant 7. After completing the 10 day Cleanse he stated this easily dropped to a 4. Even more impressive was that he was no longer using all the medications he was before to mask the pain, but found the root cause and learned how to self heal.

Other benefits for Kevin included his Inflammation going from critical to non-existent. His cravings for processed foods and sugars had stopped. He drank 2 liters a day of Diet Pepsi because he felt like his body needed it along with all the fast foods, and now he states he has Pepsi left in his fridge, but has no desire to drink it. How awesome is that - His body is actually telling him he's on the right track. And lastly, his complexion is clear and pink as it should be. Not the dulled, grayed out looked he walked through our doors with.

Listen as he attributes his new found health to the teachings and cleansing at Living Waters and how we can help you heal.

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