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Kathleen came to Living Waters in search of a Natural, Alternative to fight the Crohns and Fibromyalgia diagnosis she had been given. Along with the string of side effects the diseases were plaguing her body with, Kathleen refused to sit back and rely on her Drs to treat her with endless Medications, Steroids and a future with a Colostomy Bag. She knew there had to be a better alternative, and she found it at Living Waters.
Coming to us she dealt with pain throughout her body, especially in her joints, Inflammation, Extreme Chemical Sensitivity and all of the horrific, painful effects on Crohns and Fibromyalgia.
After beginning her 10 day cleanse, she was shocked at how her body was responding. She started asking her Drs the questions of 'What is CAUSING' the issues, not just how to mask the effects. At Living Waters, she was taught about her Blood Type, as an O and changed her diet accordingly in conjunction with doing her full body cleansing.
Now, 1 year later, she contributes the 10 Day Whole Body Cleansing and Detox, to saving her life.
She is Now SYMPTOM Free. No meds. No Bags. And no feeling like she's just simply making in through the days. She is joyful and excited about the future. Listen to her story and see what resonates with you and your ability to Heal Yourself! #colonics #colonhydrotherapy #colonicsboise #colonhydrotherapyboise #guthealth