Vertigo, Severe Swelling and Pain, Bloating, & Body Toxicity Healing After Chemotherapy

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Helen came into Living Waters 8 years after having cancer. She had done 8 months of chemotherapy and radiation, and suffered many health deficits after her cancer treatments. She came into Living Waters for the 10-day deep tissue cleanse to help with all of the health issues she was experiencing. She got to the point where she could barely walk, with severe pain and her joints being so swollen in her knees, ankles, and whole body. She also experienced, bloating, skin rashes on her legs and abdomen, intense itching, vertigo, and brain fog.
After completing her 10-day cleanse she noticed much more energy, and mental clarity. She felt like she could remember things quicker and overall was much more optimistic about her life. She enjoyed the cleanse itself, and being able to be cleansed from the inside, out. As well as the visualization and affirmations that you do with the 10-day cleanse program. She completely the cleanse and could confidently say she no longer had any swelling or pain, and the rashes had gone away! To hear Helen's miracle watch the video above!

If you are interested in furthering your health and would like a free 30-minute consultation call 208-378-9911!

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