
June 8, 2022

78. How to Get a Good Nights Sleep

Please watch: "Stories of Transformation (10-Day Detox)" --~--

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June 8, 2022

79. Healing Leaky Gut and Acid Reflux

Please watch: "Stories of Transformation (10-Day Detox)" --~--

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June 1, 2022

77. Why is the United States Set to Give The Countries Health Sovereignty to the Who

Please watch: "Stories of Transformation (10-Day Detox)" --~-- With special guest Paul G.

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May 24, 2022

76. Health Tips Galore: Avoiding and Detoxing in a Toxic World.

Please watch: "Stories of Transformation (10-Day Detox)" --~--

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May 2, 2022

74. Vibrational Technology for Healing and EMF Energy that Maims

Please watch: "Stories of Transformation (10-Day Detox)" --~-- Recent Cell Tower install maims Residents, Health Effects by the Radiated power from Cell towers. Afib, Brain Fog, Cancer Glioblastoma Brain Cancer Using Vibration Technology to move Lymphatic fluid Detox Build Bone Build Muscle 10 minutes = a 1 hour workout.

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April 25, 2022

73. How to Cleanse the Toxic Storage Centers of the Body

Please watch: "Stories of Transformation (10-Day Detox)" --~-- Best places to buy food Best Pans to use to cook Best plan for Detoxing

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April 18, 2022

72. The Benefits of Using a Doula to Assist with your Baby's Birth

Please watch: "Stories of Transformation (10-Day Detox)" --~-- -Benefits of having your baby with a doula -Differences between a midwife and a doula -How to find a midwife -Homebirth vs. Hospital birth

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April 11, 2022

71. Food That Heals the Body

Please watch: "Stories of Transformation (10-Day Detox)" --~-- - Melon, Natural Honey, Maple Syrup, Kale and other foods will help boost your immune system -Invest in a masticating juicer vs a Centrifugal force juicer -Proper supplements

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April 4, 2022

70. How to change your food and chemical addictions.

Please watch: "Stories of Transformation (10-Day Detox)" --~-- Roundup-ready crops create glyphosate in the food chain Gluten intolerance Gut Health Chemical addictions Smoking addictions Alcohol addictions Drug addictions Food addictions Creating Thyroid and Hormone issues 10 Day Healing Retreat Juicing First things to consume in the morning 4 Natural…

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March 28, 2022

69. how to avoid getting sick and tips for losing weight.

Please watch: "Stories of Transformation (10-Day Detox)" --~-- Colon Hydrotherapy Dentistry Best Practices for cooking Cleaning out the toxins in your diet Healing Naturally from within 4 Natural Laws of Healing What problems do root canals cause Healing Psoraisis Signs you are toxic

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March 19, 2022

ageLOC LumiSpa Cleanse Demo sd

Please watch: "Stories of Transformation (10-Day Detox)" --~--

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March 15, 2022

67. How to activate your bodies stem cells to aid in repair without surgery with Savy Vargus

Please watch: "Stories of Transformation (10-Day Detox)" --~-- How to use light therapy to activate your body to make Stem Cells on its own without surgery.

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Feb. 28, 2022

65. Health Hacks Avoiding Toxins in a Toxic World

Please watch: "Stories of Transformation (10-Day Detox)" --~-- Deep Tissue Cleansing Far Infrared Sauna Benefits for detoxing Far Infrared Biomat What to look for in a Far Infrared Sauna Free Radicals What they are and how to neutralize them How to Measure Antioxidants Why not to eat Pork EMF…

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Feb. 21, 2022

64. What is Colon Hydrotherapy? How can it help you? Case Studies.

Please watch: "Stories of Transformation (10-Day Detox)" --~-- How to do colon hydrotherapy What is a Regular Bowel movement Boosting Immunity by healing your gut with Colon Hydrotherapy Candida/Yeast All your organs connect to the intestinal tract How Colon Hydrotherapy opens up the detox pathways to jettison toxins Reversing…

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Feb. 7, 2022

62. Parasites Creating Disease and Havoc in your Body and how to Eliminate Them

Please watch: "Stories of Transformation (10-Day Detox)" --~-- How we get parasites. How to eliminate parasites. parasites create gas and bloating. Colon hydrotherapy. PEMF. Zappers and herbs for parasites. Emotional connection to parasite energy. Lymphatic detox with T Zone.

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Jan. 31, 2022

61. Dr. Floyd Discusses the 5 Modalities of Healing.

Please watch: "Stories of Transformation (10-Day Detox)" --~-- 5 Laws/Modalities of healing Allopathic Law of Contraries, Treat or Cure Homeopathy, Law of Similars, Similar things expel each other Chiropractic, Structure and Function Acupuncture Naturopathy. Law of Biodynamics. Laws of Biochemistry, Treating vs Growing into health Dr. Floyd Shares how…

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Jan. 27, 2022

Patch Placements Energy

Please watch: "Stories of Transformation (10-Day Detox)" --~--

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Jan. 27, 2022

IceWave Place Placements Learn To Patch Part 2 of 4

Please watch: "Stories of Transformation (10-Day Detox)" --~--

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Jan. 27, 2022

IceWave Patch Placements Learn To Patch Part 1 of 4

Please watch: "Stories of Transformation (10-Day Detox)" --~--

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Jan. 27, 2022

LIfeWave Product

Please watch: "Stories of Transformation (10-Day Detox)" --~--

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Jan. 27, 2022

IceWave Patch Placements Learn To Patch Part 3 of 4

Please watch: "Stories of Transformation (10-Day Detox)" --~--

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Jan. 27, 2022

LifeWave X39 Patch Placement

Please watch: "Stories of Transformation (10-Day Detox)" --~--

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Jan. 27, 2022

Ice Wave Learn To Patch 4 of 4

Please watch: "Stories of Transformation (10-Day Detox)" --~--

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Jan. 27, 2022

How it Works

Please watch: "Stories of Transformation (10-Day Detox)" --~--

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